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HD Law Solicitors

Specialists in Financial Mis-Selling

Welcome to HD Law


Have you been mis-sold a financial product that you were not aware of? Have you been mis-sold a financial product that wasn't suitable for you or your needs? HD Law specialise in recovering this money on your behalf.


Financial mis-selling can arise in a number of ways, for example, you may not have been given suitable and appropriate advice about a financial product or investment; or the risks of a particular investment were not fully and clearly explained to you; or you were not treated fairly as an investor and, as a result, have then ended up with an investment that was not suitable for you.


Types of Mis-Sold Products




Solar Panels 



I think I’ve been mis-sold a financial product, what should I do?


Investors that have been mis-sold a financial product can (and should) ask to have the matter put right.

If the business is still trading then the initial complaint should be taken up with the business directly. If no response to the complaint is received, or the response is unsatisfactory, then in certain circumstances the complaint can then be taken up with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). In all cases, the complaint should be in writing.


If the business that you wish to bring a complaint against is no longer trading, or is not able to compensate you, you still may be able to get compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS is a compensation fund that can pay compensation to customers of authorised financial services firms that are unable or unlikely to be able to pay claims.

Our experienced team will be able to advise you on the strength of your claim and handle all aspects of your complaint and any claim for compensation.

Strict time limits apply for bringing complaints, so if you believe that you have been mis-sold a financial product, then you should make the complaint as soon as possible.



How much will I pay?


Our specialist team can represent you on a no win, no fee basis and all initial work will be carried out free of charge.


How will I be compensated?

The aim of compensation is to put you into the position you would have been in had you not been mis-sold a financial product.




Contact us today for free initial advice on your mis-sold financial product claim.



HD Law

Albion Mills

Albion Road


BD10 9TQ


01274 618844

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© 2018 HD Law Ltd


Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority: SRA ID 621194 


Registered In England & Wales: 09328279


Registered for VAT: 222421066

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